More art by Lezlie at
With great gratitude for the support of generous donors,
Luna Girls are installed at the entrance to Seacrest Park on Harbor Ave.
This art is made possible by the generous contributions of over 150 individuals

Many thanks to our great volunteers:
Anabel Baker
Beth Sanders
Chuck Hammerberg
Daniel Brown
Emily Baker
Gary Thomsen
Jack Mackie
Janette Brown
Jonny Layefsky
Judith Caldwell
Liisa Bruchel
Nils von Veh
Phoebe Thompson
Robert Baker
Sandy Lucas

Special thanks to:
Nelleke Nix & Ernst Langhout
Gloria Pfief
West Seattle Art Club est. 1910
Tom and Kristin Ferguson
Judy Pigott

Gratitude for the support from these businesses and organizations:
Rachel Nesvig
Burning Specialties Inc
Southwest Seattle Historical Society
Signature Quality Landscape Const. Inc
Mark Jaroslaw, Avenue Productions

Additional thanks to:
Adrianne Taubman
Bob and Rita Yeasting
Bonnie Beerman
Carol Anne Karlstrom
Chuck & Rita Hammerberg
Flora Belle Key
Jerry and Priscilla Peterson
Karen Lorene and Don Bell
Kerry & Linda Killinger
Lynn Hall
Sherry Johnsen